Transcriptome Analysis of Co-Cultures of THP-1 Human Macrophages with Inactivated Germinated Trichophyton rubrum Conidia


Cantelli Bruna Aline1,Segura Gabriela Gonzalez1ORCID,Bitencourt Tamires Aparecida2,de Abreu Mariana Heinzen1,Petrucelli Monise Fazolin13ORCID,Peronni Kamila4ORCID,Sanches Pablo Rodrigo3ORCID,Beleboni Rene Oliveira15ORCID,da Silva Junior Wilson Araújo3ORCID,Martinez-Rossi Nilce Maria3ORCID,Marins Mozart15ORCID,Fachin Ana Lúcia15ORCID


1. Biotechnology Unit, University of Ribeirão Preto-UNAERP, Ribeirao Preto 14096-900, Brazil

2. Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirao Preto 14049-900, Brazil

3. Department of Genetics, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirao Preto 14096-900, Brazil

4. National Institute of Science and Technology in Stem Cell and Cell Therapy, Center for Cell-Based Therapy, Ribeirao Preto 14049-900, Brazil

5. Medicine School, University of Ribeirão Preto-UNAERP, Ribeirao Preto 14096-900, Brazil


Although most mycoses are superficial, the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum can cause systemic infections in patients with a weakened immune system, resulting in serious and deep lesions. The aim of this study was to analyze the transcriptome of a human monocyte/macrophage cell line (THP-1) co-cultured with inactivated germinated T. rubrum conidia (IGC) in order to characterize deep infection. Analysis of macrophage viability by lactate dehydrogenase quantification showed the activation of the immune system after 24 h of contact with live germinated T. rubrum conidia (LGC). After standardization of the co-culture conditions, the release of the interleukins TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-12 was quantified. The greater release of IL-12 was observed during co-culturing of THP-1 with IGC, while there was no change in the other cytokines. Next-generation sequencing of the response to T. rubrum IGC identified the modulation of 83 genes; of these, 65 were induced and 18 were repressed. The categorization of the modulated genes showed their involvement in signal transduction, cell communication, and immune response pathways. In total, 16 genes were selected for validation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.98, indicating a high correlation between RNA-seq and qPCR. Modulation of the expression of all genes was similar for LGC and IGC co-culture; however, the fold-change values were higher for LGC. Due to the high expression of the IL-32 gene in RNA-seq, we quantified this interleukin and observed an increased release in co-culture with T. rubrum. In conclusion, the macrophages-T. rubrum co-culture model revealed the ability of these cells to modulate the immune response, as demonstrated by the release of proinflammatory cytokines and the RNA-seq gene expression profile. The results obtained permit to identify possible molecular targets that are modulated in macrophages and that could be explored in antifungal therapies involving the activation of the immune system.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo





Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Microbiology (medical)

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