General Solutions for MHD Motions of Ordinary and Fractional Maxwell Fluids through Porous Medium When Differential Expressions of Shear Stress Are Prescribed on Boundary


Vieru Dumitru1ORCID,Fetecau Constantin2ORCID


1. Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Technical University of Iasi, 700050 Iasi, Romania

2. Section of Mathematics, Academy of Romanian Scientists, 050094 Bucharest, Romania


Some MHD unidirectional motions of the electrically conducting incompressible Maxwell fluids between infinite horizontal parallel plates incorporated in a porous medium are analytically and graphically investigated when differential expressions of the non-trivial shear stress are prescribed on the boundary. Such boundary conditions are usually necessary in order to formulate well-posed boundary value problems for motions of rate-type fluids. General closed-form expressions are established for the dimensionless fluid velocity, the corresponding shear stress, and Darcy’s resistance. For completion, as well as for comparison, all results are extended to a fractional model of Maxwell fluids in which the time fractional Caputo derivative is used. It is proven for the first time that a large class of unsteady motions of the fractional incompressible Maxwell fluids becomes steady in time. For illustration, three particular motions are considered, and the correctness of the results is graphically proven. They correspond to constant or oscillatory values of the differential expression of shear stress on the boundary. In the first case, the required time to reach the steady state is graphically determined. This time declines for increasing values of the fractional parameter. Consequently, the steady state is reached earlier for motions of the ordinary fluids in comparison with the fractional ones. Finally, the fluid velocity, shear stress, and Darcy’s resistance are graphically represented and discussed for the fractional model.



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