The purpose of this study was to investigate corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) and morphology between normal tension glaucoma (NTG) and controls. A cross-sectional, single center study of 24 NTG and 26 age-matched healthy eyes were included. ECD, mean cell size (MCA) and coefficient of variance (CV) were analyzed, controlling for age and number and duration of concurrent glaucoma medications. NTG subjects had significantly lower ECD (2307 ± 514.7 vs. 2558 ± 278.5, p = 0.044) and larger MCA (458.3 ± 94.8 vs. 386.7 ± 57.3, p = 0.004), but no difference in CV compared to healthy subjects. NTG subjects stratified by number of glaucoma medications showed significant differences in ECD (p = 0.024) and MCA (p = 0.021), but no difference in CV. There were no significant differences in ECD, MCA or CV between subjects stratified by duration of glaucoma medication usage. After age-adjusting, there was no dose-dependent relationship between mean ECD or MCA and number of glaucoma medications. Post hoc analysis demonstrated only NTG subjects on three or more glaucoma medications had statistically significant differences in ECD (p = 0.032) and MCA (p = 0.037) compared to NTG subjects on two glaucoma medications. This study suggests that NTG is associated with lower corneal endothelial cell density and mean cell size.