Human-Derived Cortical Neurospheroids Coupled to Passive, High-Density and 3D MEAs: A Valid Platform for Functional Tests


Muzzi Lorenzo1ORCID,Di Lisa Donatella1,Falappa Matteo23ORCID,Pepe Sara4,Maccione Alessandro2,Pastorino Laura1,Martinoia Sergio1,Frega Monica56ORCID


1. Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS), University of Genoa, 16145 Genoa, Italy

2. 3Brain AG, 8808 Pfäffikon, Switzerland

3. Corticale Srl., 16145 Genoa, Italy

4. Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, 16132 Genoa, Italy

5. Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Twente, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands

6. Department of Human Genetics, Radboudumc, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands


With the advent of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and differentiation protocols, methods to create in-vitro human-derived neuronal networks have been proposed. Although monolayer cultures represent a valid model, adding three-dimensionality (3D) would make them more representative of an in-vivo environment. Thus, human-derived 3D structures are becoming increasingly used for in-vitro disease modeling. Achieving control over the final cell composition and investigating the exhibited electrophysiological activity is still a challenge. Thence, methodologies to create 3D structures with controlled cellular density and composition and platforms capable of measuring and characterizing the functional aspects of these samples are needed. Here, we propose a method to rapidly generate neurospheroids of human origin with control over cell composition that can be used for functional investigations. We show a characterization of the electrophysiological activity exhibited by the neurospheroids by using micro-electrode arrays (MEAs) with different types (i.e., passive, C-MOS, and 3D) and number of electrodes. Neurospheroids grown in free culture and transferred on MEAs exhibited functional activity that can be chemically and electrically modulated. Our results indicate that this model holds great potential for an in-depth study of signal transmission to drug screening and disease modeling and offers a platform for in-vitro functional testing.











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