Containerized Microservices Orchestration and Provisioning in Cloud Computing: A Conceptual Framework and Future Perspectives


Saboor AbdulORCID,Hassan Mohd Fadzil,Akbar Rehan,Shah Syed Nasir Mehmood,Hassan FarrukhORCID,Magsi Saeed AhmedORCID,Siddiqui Muhammad AadilORCID


Cloud computing is a rapidly growing paradigm which has evolved from having a monolithic to microservices architecture. The importance of cloud data centers has expanded dramatically in the previous decade, and they are now regarded as the backbone of the modern economy. Cloud-based microservices architecture is incorporated by firms such as Netflix, Twitter, eBay, Amazon, Hailo, Groupon, and Zalando. Such cloud computing arrangements deal with the parallel deployment of data-intensive workloads in real time. Moreover, commonly utilized cloud services such as the web and email require continuous operation without interruption. For that purpose, cloud service providers must optimize resource management, efficient energy usage, and carbon footprint reduction. This study presents a conceptual framework to manage the high amount of microservice execution while reducing response time, energy consumption, and execution costs. The proposed framework suggests four key agent services: (1) intelligent partitioning: responsible for microservice classification; (2) dynamic allocation: used for pre-execution distribution of microservices among containers and then makes decisions for dynamic allocation of microservices at runtime; (3) resource optimization: in charge of shifting workloads and ensuring optimal resource use; (4) mutation actions: these are based on procedures that will mutate the microservices based on cloud data center workloads. The suggested framework was partially evaluated using a custom-built simulation environment, which demonstrated its efficiency and potential for implementation in a cloud computing context. The findings show that the engrossment of suggested services can lead to a reduced number of network calls, lower energy consumption, and relatively reduced carbon dioxide emissions.


Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) under the Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education, and the Center for Graduate Studies (CGS), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Perak, Malaysia




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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