LOVE-Bug Deployment Demonstrator


Whitehead Shaun


Life on Venus Expedition (LOVE) Bugs are a proposed family of miniature, featherlight probes for exploring and sensing the Venusian atmosphere. The Bugs carry tiny ThumbSat femtosatellite buses and instruments beneath balloons or flexible parawings. They are designed to descend from 68 to 45 km altitude over several hours because this part of the atmosphere appears to be most welcoming to life as we know it, according to the Venus Life Finder Mission Study. The parawing option is the subject of this work. In order to fit in with larger probe missions, the LOVE-Bug concept is opportunistic. One anticipated opportunity is to be ejected when a “mother probe” needs to deploy a drogue chute for stabilisation through the transonic regime. This work developed an analogy for such a dramatic Venusian ejection by dropping from a high-altitude balloon in Earth’s stratosphere. By packaging the payload in a small-diameter low-drag capsule and dropping from 28 km, the vehicle accelerates to supersonic velocity at around 18 km, where the wing is ejected and deployed. A variant of the NASA ParaWing was created by incorporating a drag tail to help to stabilise the wing at extremely high and low velocities. Design, simulation, building, and testing work was carried out, and two flights were flown. The second flight demonstrated successful deployment of the wing in representative Venusian entry conditions. Both flights demonstrated that the ThumbSat performed as required in “space”-type conditions. Recommendations for future work, to qualify the LOVE-Bugs for operation on Venus, are presented.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Scoutek Ltd.




Aerospace Engineering

Reference14 articles.

1. Seager, S., Petkowski, J.J., Carr, C.E., Grinspoon, D., Ehlmann, B., Saikia, S.J., Agrawal, R., Buchanan, W., Weber, M.U., and French, R. Venus Life Finder Mission Study. arXiv, 2021.

2. Whitehead, S. ThumbSat/ThumbNet—Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. 2022.

3. Justh, H.L. Environmental Science Earth Air Space Exoplanet. Venus Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Venus-GRAM), Version 1.0, 2005.

4. Biegert, M. Drag Coefficient From A Ballistic Drop Table. 2022.

5. US Standard Atmosphere, 1976.

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