The Transmission Route and Selection Pressure in HCV Subtype 3a and 3b Chinese Infections: Evolutionary Kinetics and Selective Force Analysis


Xu RuORCID,Rong Xia,Aranday-Cortes ElihuORCID,Vattipally SreenuORCID,Hughes JosephORCID,McLauchlan John,Fu Yongshui


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 3 (GT-3) represents 22–30% of all infections and is the second most common genotype among all HCV genotypes. It has two main subtypes, GT-3a and GT-3b, that present epidemiological differences in transmission groups. This report generated 56 GT-3a and 64 GT-3b whole-genome sequences to conduct an evolutionary kinetics and selective force analysis with reference sequences from various countries. Evolutionary analysis showed that HCV GT-3a worldwide might have been transmitted from the Indian subcontinent to South Asia, Europe, North America and then become endemic in China. In China, GT-3a may have been transmitted by intravenous drug users (IDUs) and become endemic in the general population, while GT-3b may have originated from IDUs and then underwent mutual transmission between blood donors (BDs) and IDUs, ultimately becoming independently endemic in IDUs. Furthermore, the spread of GT-3a and GT-3b sequences from BD and IDU populations exhibit different selective pressures: the proportion of positively selected sites (PPSs) in E1 and E2 from IDUs was higher than in BDs. The number of positive selection sites was higher in GT-3b and IDUs. These results indicate that different selective constraints act along with the GT-3a and GT-3b genomes from IDUs and BDs. In addition, GT-3a and GT-3b have different transmission routes in China, which allows us to formulate specific HCV prevention and control strategies in China.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation

and The Key Medical Laboratory of Guangzhou




Virology,Infectious Diseases

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