A Simultaneous Estimation of the Baseline Intensity and Parameters for Modulated Renewal Processes


Zhuang JiancangORCID,Siew Hai-Yen


This paper proposes a semiparametric solution to estimate the intensity (hazard) function of modulated renewal processes: a nonparametric estimate for the baseline intensity function together with a parametric estimate of the model parameters of the covariate processes. Based on the martingale property associated with the conditional intensity, we construct a statistic from a residual analysis to estimate the baseline renewal intensity function, when the model parameters of the covariate processes are known. In addition, when the baseline intensity is obtained, the model parameters can be estimated using the usual maximum likelihood estimation. In practice, both the baseline intensity and model parameters are suggested to be estimated simultaneously via an expectation–maximization (E–M)-type iterative algorithm. A more important feature of the newly proposed algorithm is that, given n events in the observation dataset, its computation time is of order O(n2), while the Nelson–Aalen–Breslow estimator takes a computation time of order O(n3). For illustration, we apply the proposed estimation procedure to a set of data simulated from a modulated gamma renewal process and the aftershock sequence following the Ms8 Wenchuan earthquake, which occurred in Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science




Geometry and Topology,Logic,Mathematical Physics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

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