DST-DETR: Image Dehazing RT-DETR for Safety Helmet Detection in Foggy Weather


Liu Ziyuan1ORCID,Sun Chunxia1,Wang Xiaopeng1


1. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China


In foggy weather, outdoor safety helmet detection often suffers from low visibility and unclear objects, hindering optimal detector performance. Moreover, safety helmets typically appear as small objects at construction sites, prone to occlusion and difficult to distinguish from complex backgrounds, further exacerbating the detection challenge. Therefore, the real-time and precise detection of safety helmet usage among construction personnel, particularly in adverse weather conditions such as foggy weather, poses a significant challenge. To address this issue, this paper proposes the DST-DETR, a framework for foggy weather safety helmet detection. The DST-DETR framework comprises a dehazing module, PAOD-Net, and an object detection module, ST-DETR, for joint dehazing and detection. Initially, foggy images are restored within PAOD-Net, enhancing the AOD-Net model by introducing a novel convolutional module, PfConv, guided by the parameter-free average attention module (PfAAM). This module enables more focused attention on crucial features in lightweight models, therefore enhancing performance. Subsequently, the MS-SSIM + ℓ2 loss function is employed to bolster the model’s robustness, making it adaptable to scenes with intricate backgrounds and variable fog densities. Next, within the object detection module, the ST-DETR model is designed to address small objects. By refining the RT-DETR model, its capability to detect small objects in low-quality images is enhanced. The core of this approach lies in utilizing the variant ResNet-18 as the backbone to make the network lightweight without sacrificing accuracy, followed by effectively integrating the small-object layer into the improved BiFPN neck structure, resulting in CCFF-BiFPN-P2. Various experiments were conducted to qualitatively and quantitatively compare our method with several state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating its superiority. The results validate that the DST-DETR algorithm is better suited for foggy safety helmet detection tasks in construction scenarios.



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