The Relationships between the Population Density of Fir Bark Beetles and Niche Breadth


Borkowski Andrzej1ORCID


1. Department of Environmental Biology, Institute of Biology, Jan Kochanowski University, Uniwersytecka 7 Str, 25-406 Kielce, Poland


Bark beetles are a significant link in the chain of diseases that lead to the accelerated dying of firs (Abies alba Mill.), a key species in the cultivation of stable mixed-tree stands. The aim of this work was to evaluate biotic interactions in populations of bark beetles that colonised natural traps made from firs. The tested hypothesis was that the niche breadth of the species increases with the increasing density of the population. The research was carried out in near-natural forests containing fir, growing in the Suchedniów-Oblęgorek Landscape Park in central Poland. Data were collected from 30 traps trees and 30 windfalls in the years 2010–2023. Cryphalus piceae Ratz. prefers heavily weakened trees, as shown by the fact that it colonised all of the natural traps, which lack any defensive reactions. The sampling method used in the study proved effective, as confirmed by the segregation of the niches of all of the bark beetles. Using nonlinear regression (linearisable model and piecewise linear regression), models were constructed that describe the niche breadths of the bark beetles. The niche parameter is correlated with the density of colonisation. The derived models explain around 77–84% of the variation in the niche breadth of bark beetles on natural traps. The mean relative errors of estimation do not exceed 20%. The niche breadth parameter obtained from the derived regression equations may be used in models that describe—for example—the impact of observed climate change on the population dynamics of bark beetles.


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland









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