Fast-Setting Concrete for Repairing Cement Concrete Pavement


Rudnicki Tomasz1ORCID,Stałowski Przemysław2


1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Military University of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland

2. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, 85-796 Bydgoszcz, Poland


The paper presents the results of laboratory tests and the complete results of the implementation of the Sprint fast-setting concrete technology used during the reinstallation of the concrete pavement of the DK50 road (the Młodzieszyn bypass). The problem of concrete pavement repair is related to economic and social costs and, above all, to long repair time. After an extensive analysis of various technologies, the authors created a dedicated solution, which, based on commonly existing materials, allows for a very quick repair of the existing pavement. The obtained properties of the fast-setting concrete allow the maintenance of rheological parameters for 2 h from its production and to install the mixture of the consistency of class S3/S4, while the obtained compressive strength exceeds 25 MPa within 6 h of installation. The concrete parameters obtained after 24 h show a strength exceeding 40 MPa, and after 28 days—exceeding 60 MPa. The tensile strength at shattering exceeds 5 MPa, while the tensile strength at flexural strength exceeds 7 MPa. In addition, all parameters of the fast-setting concrete meet the highest requirements currently set for newly built concrete pavement loaded by very heavy traffic. The most important parameter is the possibility to shorten the repair time of concrete pavement to one day, significantly reducing the social costs associated with closing a single lane or the entire road. An important element of the presented technology is the possibility of producing the mixture at a stationary concrete batching plant, and in the future—with the use of bags for patching potholes in road pavement.




General Materials Science







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