Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Voluntary Blood Donors in the Russian Federation


Potemkin Ilya A.12ORCID,Kyuregyan Karen K.12ORCID,Karlsen Anastasia A.12ORCID,Isaeva Olga V.12,Kichatova Vera S.12ORCID,Lopatukhina Maria A.12,Asadi Mobarkhan Fedor A.12ORCID,Zlobina Anna G.3,Zheltobriukh Andrey V.3,Bocharova Ksenia A.4,Belyakova Vera V.5,Rassolova Svetlana V.5,Ivanova Nadezhda V.5,Solonin Sergey A.6ORCID,Bazhenov Alexey I.6,Godkov Mikhail A.6,Mikhailov Mikhail I.124


1. Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis, Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, 105064 Moscow, Russia

2. Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, 111123 Moscow, Russia

3. Belgorod Blood Center, 308007 Belgorod, Russia

4. Medical Faculty, Belgorod State National Research University, 308015 Belgorod, Russia

5. Gavrilov Moscow Blood Center, Moscow Health Department, 125284 Moscow, Russia

6. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, Moscow Health Department, 129090 Moscow, Russia


Transfusion-transmitted hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is an increasing concern in many countries. We investigated the detection rate of HEV viremia in blood donors in Russia. A total of 20,405 regular repetitive voluntary non-renumerated blood donors from two regions (Moscow and Belgorod) were screened for HEV RNA using the cobas® HEV test in mini-pools of six plasma samples. Samples from each reactive pool were tested individually. The average HEV RNA prevalence was 0.024% (95% CI: 0.01–0.05%), or 1 case per 4081 donations. No statistically significant differences in HEV RNA prevalence were observed between the two study regions. The PCR threshold cycle (Ct) values ranged from 25.0 to 40.5 in reactive pools, and from 20.9 to 41.4 in reactive plasma samples when tested individually. The HEV viremic donors had different antibody patterns. Two donor samples were reactive for both anti-HEV IgM and IgG antibodies, one sample was reactive for anti-HEV IgM and negative for anti-HEV IgG, and two samples were seronegative. At follow-up testing 6 months later, on average, four donors available for follow-up had become negative for HEV RNA and positive for anti-HEV IgG. The HEV ORF2 sequence belonging to HEV-3 sub-genotype 3a was obtained from one donor sample. The sequencing failed in the other four samples from viremic donors, presumably due to the low viral load. In conclusion, the HEV RNA detection rate in blood donors in Russia corresponds with data from other European countries, including those that implemented universal donor HEV screening. These data support the implementation of HEV RNA donor screening to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted HEV infection in Russia.


Roche Diagnostics Rus LLC










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