EfficientNet Ensemble Learning: Identifying Ethiopian Medicinal Plant Species and Traditional Uses by Integrating Modern Technology with Ethnobotanical Wisdom


Kiflie Mulugeta Adibaru1,Sharma Durga Prasad2,Haile Mesfin Abebe1,Srinivasagan Ramasamy3


1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama 1888, Ethiopia

2. AMUIT, MOEFDRE under UNDP, MAISM—RTU, Kota 324010, India

3. Department of Computer Engineering, King Faisal University, Al Hofuf 31982, Saudi Arabia


Ethiopia is renowned for its rich biodiversity, supporting a diverse variety of medicinal plants with significant potential for therapeutic applications. In regions where modern healthcare facilities are scarce, traditional medicine emerges as a cost-effective and culturally aligned primary healthcare solution in developing countries. In Ethiopia, the majority of the population, around 80%, and for a significant proportion of their livestock, approximately 90% continue to prefer traditional medicine as their primary healthcare option. Nevertheless, the precise identification of specific plant parts and their associated uses has posed a formidable challenge due to the intricate nature of traditional healing practices. To address this challenge, we employed a majority based ensemble deep learning approach to identify medicinal plant parts and uses of Ethiopian indigenous medicinal plant species. The primary objective of this research is to achieve the precise identification of the parts and uses of Ethiopian medicinal plant species. To design our proposed model, EfficientNetB0, EfficientNetB2, and EfficientNetB4 were used as benchmark models and applied as a majority vote-based ensemble technique. This research underscores the potential of ensemble deep learning and transfer learning methodologies to accurately identify the parts and uses of Ethiopian indigenous medicinal plant species. Notably, our proposed EfficientNet-based ensemble deep learning approach demonstrated remarkable accuracy, achieving a significant test and validation accuracy of 99.96%. Future endeavors will prioritize expanding the dataset, refining feature-extraction techniques, and creating user-friendly interfaces to overcome current dataset limitations.


Deanship of Scientific Research, King Faisal University



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