1. Department of Translational Biomedicine and Neuroscience (DiBraiN), University of Bari Aldo Moro, Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, 70124 Bari, Italy
2. Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Ionian Area (DiMePRe-J), University of Bari Aldo Moro, Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, 70124 Bari, Italy
3. Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Aging Brain, Department of Clinical Research in Neurology, University of Bari at “Pia Fondazione Card G. Panico” Hospital, Via San Pio X, 4, 73039 Tricase, Italy
4. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, 71100 Foggia, Italy