In the paper we prove for the first time an analogue of the Wiman inequality in the class of analytic functions f∈A0p(G) in an arbitrary complete Reinhard domain G⊂Cp, p∈N represented by the power series of the form f(z)=f(z1,⋯,zp)=∑‖n‖=0+∞anzn with the domain of convergence G. We have proven the following statement: If f∈Ap(G) and h∈Hp, then for a given ε=(ε1,…,εp)∈R+p and arbitrary δ>0 there exists a set E⊂|G| such that ∫E∩Δεh(r)dr1⋯drpr1⋯rp<+∞ and for all r∈Δε∖E we have Mf(r)≤μf(r)(h(r))p+12lnp2+δh(r)lnp2+δ{μf(r)h(r)}∏j=1p(lnerjεj)p−12+δ. Note, that this assertion at p=1,G=C,h(r)≡const implies the classical Wiman–Valiron theorem for entire functions and at p=1, the G=D:={z∈C:|z|<1},h(r)≡1/(1−r) theorem about the Kővari-type inequality for analytic functions in the unit disc D; p>1 implies some Wiman’s type inequalities for analytic functions of several variables in Cn×Dk, n,k∈Z+,n+k∈N.
Geometry and Topology,Logic,Mathematical Physics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis
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