Microencapsulated Pomegranate Reverts High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Reduces Postprandial Triglyceridemia in Women with Acute Coronary Syndrome


Estrada-Luna Diego,Carreón-Torres ElizabethORCID,Bautista-Pérez Rocío,Betanzos-Cabrera GabrielORCID,Dorantes-Morales Alan,Luna-Luna María,Vargas-Barrón Jesús,Mejía Ana María,Fragoso José Manuel,Carvajal-Aguilera Karla,García-Trejo José J.,Vargas-Alarcón GilbertoORCID,Pérez-Méndez ÓscarORCID


(1) Background: the composition of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) becomes altered during the postprandial state, probably affecting their functionality vis-à-vis the endothelium. Since acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in women is frequently associated with endothelial dysfunction, it is likely that HDL are unable to improve artery vasodilation in these patients. Therefore, we characterized HDL from women with ACS in fasting and postprandial conditions. We also determined whether microencapsulated pomegranate (MiPo) reverts the HDL abnormalities, since previous studies have suggested that this fruit improves HDL functionality. (2) Methods: Eleven women with a history of ACS were supplemented daily with 20 g of MiPo, for 30 days. Plasma samples were obtained during fasting and at different times, after a lipid load test to determine the lipid profile and paraoxonase–1 (PON1) activity. HDL were isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation to determine their size distribution and to assess their effect on endothelial function, by using an in vitro model of rat aorta rings. (3) Results: MiPo improved the lipid profile and increased PON1 activity, as previously reported, with fresh pomegranate juice. After supplementation with MiPo, the incremental area under the curve of triglycerides decreased to half of the initial values. The HDL distribution shifted from large HDL to intermediate and small-size particles during the postprandial period in the basal conditions, whereas such a shift was no longer observed after MiPo supplementation. Consistently, HDL isolated from postprandial plasma samples hindered the vasodilation of aorta rings, and this endothelial dysfunction was reverted after MiPo consumption. (4) Conclusions: MiPo exhibited the same beneficial effects on the lipid profile and PON1 activity as the previously reported fresh pomegranate. In addition, MiPo supplementation reverted the negative effects of HDL on endothelial function generated during the postprandial period in women with ACS.




Food Science,Nutrition and Dietetics








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