Diphenyl-Furanones and Diphenyl-Oxopyrrole Derivatives: From Analytical Reagents for Amino Groups to New Fluorochromes for Cytochemical Staining of Chromatin DNA and Chromosomes: Proposal for Intercalative Binding and Fluorescence Mechanism


Stockert Juan C.12ORCID,Romero Silvina A.13,Felix-Pozzi Marcelo N.4,Blázquez-Castro Alfonso5ORCID


1. Facultad de Medicina, Instituto de Oncología “Angel H. Roffo”, Area Investigación, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Avda. San Martin 5481, Buenos Aires C1417DTB, Argentina

2. Centro Integrativo de Biología y Química Aplicada, Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, General Gana 1702, Santiago 8370854, Chile

3. Cátedra de Virología Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Chorroarin 280, Bueno Aires C1427CWO, Argentina

4. Departamento de Micro y Nanotecnología, Instituto de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires B1650LWP, Argentina

5. Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, c/Darwin 2, 28049 Madrid, Spain


Diaryl-furanones are specific analytical reagents for the biochemical detection of primary amines by fluorescence techniques. Well-known reagents are fluorescamine (Fluram) and 2-methoxy-2,4-diphenyl-3(2H)-furanone (MDPF), yielding fluorescent products with λem at 480–490 nm. Although the reaction products claim to be pyrrolinones, recent studies show that they are really 3-oxopyrrole (pyrrolone) derivatives. Both reagents have been used for the cytochemical demonstration of primary amines. In this work, we have applied the fluorescent products of MDPF with amines (n-butylamine, BA; glucosamine, GA; and spermine, Sp), which showed interesting fluorescence reactions with chromatin DNA. 2,4-diphenyl-3-oxopyrrole products (diPOPy) can be easily synthesized according to well-known procedures, by mixing solutions of MDPF in acetone with water at pH 9 containing the amino compounds. DiPOPy derivatives of BA, GA, and Sp were used for spectroscopic, microscopic, and molecular modeling studies, showing a bright and selective blue–green fluorescence on DNA substrates, mainly chromatin, kinetoplast DNA, and stretched chromatin fibers. The cationic diPOPy fluorophore is planar, with a high partial positive charge in the N atom, and suitable for intercalative binding to DNA. A mechanism of fluorescamine fluorescence due to an inner-salt isomeric form is proposed, and an astonishing correlation between adenine–thymine-rich centromeric heterochromatin in mouse metaphase chromosomes after reaction of the fluorescamine reagent with protein amino groups is also discussed.










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