Gene Dosage of F5 c.3481C>T Stop-Codon (p.R1161Ter) Switches the Clinical Phenotype from Severe Thrombosis to Recurrent Haemorrhage: Novel Hypotheses for Readthrough Strategy


Gemmati Donato123ORCID,D’Aversa Elisabetta1ORCID,Antonica Bianca1ORCID,Grisafi Miriana1,Salvatori Francesca1ORCID,Pizzicotti Stefano4,Pellegatti Patrizia4,Ciccone Maria5,Moratelli Stefano3,Serino Maria Luisa3,Tisato Veronica126ORCID


1. Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy

2. University Strategic Centre for Studies on Gender Medicine, University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy

3. Centre Haemostasis & Thrombosis, University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy

4. Hospital-University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy

5. Haematology Unit, Hospital-University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy

6. Laboratory of Technology for Advanced Therapies (LTTA) Centre, University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy


Inherited defects in the genes of blood coagulation essentially express the severity of the clinical phenotype that is directly correlated to the number of mutated alleles of the candidate leader gene (e.g., heterozygote vs. homozygote) and of possible additional coinherited traits. The F5 gene, which codes for coagulation factor V (FV), plays a two-faced role in the coagulation cascade, exhibiting both procoagulant and anticoagulant functions. Thus, defects in this gene can be predisposed to either bleeding or thrombosis. A Sanger sequence analysis detected a premature stop-codon in exon 13 of the F5 gene (c.3481C>T; p.R1161Ter) in several members of a family characterised by low circulating FV levels and contrasting clinical phenotypes. The propositus, a 29 y.o. male affected by recurrent haemorrhages, was homozygous for the F5 stop-codon and for the F5 c.1691G>A (p.R506Q; FV-Leiden) inherited from the heterozygous parents, which is suggestive of combined cis-segregation. The homozygous condition of the stop-codon completely abolished the F5 gene expression in the propositus (FV:Ag < 1%; FV:C < 1%; assessed by ELISA and PT-based one-stage clotting assay respectively), removing, in turn, any chance for FV-Leiden to act as a prothrombotic molecule. His father (57 y.o.), characterised by severe recurrent venous thromboses, underwent a complete molecular thrombophilic screening, revealing a heterozygous F2 G20210A defect, while his mother (56 y.o.), who was negative for further common coagulation defects, reported fully asymptomatic anamnesis. To dissect these conflicting phenotypes, we performed the ProC®Global (Siemens Helthineers) coagulation test aimed at assessing the global pro- and anticoagulant balance of each family member, investigating the responses to the activated protein C (APC) by means of an APC-sensitivity ratio (APC-sr). The propositus had an unexpectedly poor response to APC (APC-sr: 1.09; n.v. > 2.25), and his father and mother had an APC-sr of 1.5 and 2.0, respectively. Although ProC®Global prevalently detects the anticoagulant side of FV, the exceptionally low APC-sr of the propositus and his discordant severe–moderate haemorrhagic phenotype could suggest a residual expression of mutated FV p.506QQ through a natural readthrough or possible alternative splicing mechanisms. The coagulation pathway may be physiologically rebalanced through natural and induced strategies, and the described insights might be able to track the design of novel treatment approaches and rebalancing molecules.


University of Ferrara









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