Recovering, Stabilizing, and Reusing Nitrogen and Carbon from Nutrient-Containing Liquid Waste as Ammonium Carbonate Fertilizer


Brondi Mariana12ORCID,Eisa Mohamed3ORCID,Bortoletto-Santos Ricardo14,Drapanauskaite Donata3ORCID,Reddington Tara3,Williams Clinton5,Ribeiro Caue1ORCID,Baltrusaitis Jonas3ORCID


1. Embrapa Instrumentation, Rua XV de Novembro 1452, São Carlos 13560-970, SP, Brazil

2. Graduate Program of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz Km 235, Sao Carlos 13565-905, SP, Brazil

3. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University, B336 Iacocca Hall, 111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA

4. Postgraduate Program in Environmental Technology, University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Avenida Costábile Romano, 2201, Ribeirão Preto 14096-900, SP, Brazil

5. USDA-ARS, US Arid Land Agricultural Research Center, 21881 N. Cardon Ln, Maricopa, AZ 85138, USA


Ammonium carbonates are a group of fertilizer materials that include ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate hydrate, and ammonium carbamate. They can be synthesized from diverse nutrient-bearing liquid waste streams but are unstable in a moist environment. While extensively utilized several decades ago, their use gradually decreased in favor of large-scale, facility-synthesized urea fertilizers. The emergence of sustainable agriculture, however, necessitates the recovery and reuse of nutrients using conventional feedstocks, such as natural gas and air-derived nitrogen, and nutrient-containing biogenic waste streams. To this extent, anaerobic digestion liquid presents a convenient source of solid nitrogen and carbon to produce solid fertilizers, since no significant chemical transformations are needed as nitrogen is already present as an ammonium ion. This review describes detailed examples of such feedstocks and the methods required to concentrate and crystallize solid ammonium carbonates. The technologies currently proposed or utilized to stabilize ammonium carbonate materials in the environment are described in detail. Finally, the agricultural efficiency of these materials as nitrogen and carbon source is also described.


USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture




Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Food Science

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