Biological N Fixation and N Transfer in an Intercropping System between Legumes and Organic Cherry Tomatoes in Succession to Green Corn


Salgado Gabriela Cristina,Ambrosano Edmilson Jose,Rossi FabrícioORCID,Otsuk Ivani Pozar,Ambrosano Gláucia Maria Bovi,Santana Cesar AugustoORCID,Muraoka Takashi,Trivelin Paulo Cesar Ocheuze


The aim of this study was to investigate the transfer of N from different legumes to cherry tomatoes in the intercropping system under residual straw of the previous green corn crop using the 15N natural abundance method. We also investigated the temporal variation in nitrogen transfer to a cherry tomato, the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) of legumes, and the N concentration of green corn cultivated in the intercrop succession. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with eight treatments and five replications, described as follows: two controls consisting of a monocrop of cherry tomato with or without residual straw, cherry tomato and jack bean, sun hemp, dwarf velvet bean, mung bean, and white lupine or cowpea bean in intercropping system. The BNF was responsible for more than half of the N accumulated in the legumes. The N of legumes was transferred to cherry tomato in similar quantities, and the leaves and fruits of cherry tomato received more N transfer than shoots. It was shown that N transfer increases with the growth/development of cherry tomatoes. The intercropping system with legumes did not affect the 15N natural abundance of leaves and the aboveground biomass of green corn cultivated in succession.




Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Food Science







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