Changes of Temperature and Moisture Distribution over Time by Thermo-Hydro-Chemical (T-H-C)-Coupled Analysis in Buffer Material Focusing on Montmorillonite Content


Ouchi Kohei1,Sato Haruo1


1. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City 700-8530, Okayama, Japan


Bentonite is used as a buffer material in engineered barriers for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The buffer material will be made of bentonite, a natural clay, mixed with silica sand. The buffer material is affected by decay heat from high-level radioactive waste, infiltration of groundwater, and swelling of the buffer material. The analysis of these factors requires coupled analysis of heat transfer, moisture transfer, and groundwater chemistry. The purpose of this study is to develop a model to evaluate bentonite types and silica sand content in a unified manner for thermo-hydro-chemical (T-H-C)-coupled analysis in buffer materials. We focused on the content of the clay mineral montmorillonite, which is the main component of bentonite, and developed a model to derive the moisture diffusion coefficient of liquid water and water vapor based on Philip and de Vries, and Kozeny–Carman. The evolutions of the temperature and moisture distribution in the buffer material were analyzed, and the validity of each distribution was confirmed by comparison with the measured data obtained from an in situ experiment at 350 m in depth at the Horonobe Underground Research Center, Hokkaido, Japan.





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