Improving Efficiency in Congested Traffic Networks: Pareto-Improving Reservations through Agent-Based Timetabling


Sun Luetian,Song Rui


In an urban transportation network, congestion occurs in the form of a queue behind a bottleneck. Many studies have considered a reservation-based optimization approach for queuing systems. To control the traffic density behind a bottleneck so that it does not exceed the link capacity, and to reduce the emissions and improve the sustainability of cities, we propose a new mobility service system to offer a Pareto-improving schedule for both the portion of agents making reservations and others with fixed departure time schedules. This reservation system takes the agents’ (i.e., users or vehicles here) actual arrival and departure times from a conventional system without reservations as the preferred time windows at both the origins and destinations. Such a centralized mobility service system could maintain or improve the end-to-end traveling performance for all users. The proposed reservation and end-to-end timetabling problem is formulated as a multicommodity flow optimization problem in a discretized space–time network. We use a modified dynamic programming method for the reservation strategy on the space–time network and further adopt the alternative direction method of multiplier (ADMM) based on prime and dual theory to solve the large-scale instances. A comprehensive discussion is also provided regarding the technical challenges and potential solutions when operating such a system in a real-world setting.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

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