1. Department of Energy (AAU Energy), Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
As one of the largest frequency regulation markets, the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM) market allows extensive access of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs). The designed signal regulation D (RegD) is friendly for use with BESSs with a fast ramp rate but limited energy. Designing operating strategies and optimizing the sizing of BESSs in this market are significantly influenced by the regulation signal. To represent the inherent randomness of the RegD signal and reduce the computational burden, typical frequency regulation scenarios with lower resolution are often generated. However, due to the rapid changes and energy neutrality of the RegD signal, generating accurate and representative scenarios presents challenges for the methods based on shape similarity. This paper proposes a novel probability-based method for generating typical regulation scenarios. The method relies on the joint probability distribution of two features with a 15-min resolution, extracted from the RegD signal with a 2 s resolution. The two features can effectively portray the characteristic of RegD signal and its influence on BESS operation. Multiple regulation scenarios are generated based on the joint probability distributions of these features at first, with the final typical scenarios chosen based on their probability distribution similarity to the actual distribution. Utilizing regulation data from the PJM market in 2020, this paper validates and analyzes the performance of the generated typical scenarios in comparison to existing methods, specifically K-means clustering and the forward scenarios reduction method.
China Scholarship Council
Danida Fellowship Center and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark