A Study on the Ability of Nanomaterials to Adsorb NO and SO2 from Combustion Gases and the Effectiveness of Their Separation


Constantinescu Marius1,Bucura Felicia1,Roman Antoaneta1,Botoran Oana Romina1ORCID,Ionete Roxana-Elena1ORCID,Spiridon Stefan Ionut1ORCID,Ionete Eusebiu Ilarian1ORCID,Zaharioiu Anca Maria1,Marin Florian12ORCID,Badea Silviu-Laurentiu1ORCID,Niculescu Violeta-Carolina1ORCID


1. National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies—ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, 4th Uzinei Street, 240050 Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

2. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 7–9 I. Ratiu Str., 550012 Sibiu, Romania


Climate neutrality for the year 2050 is the goal assumed at the level of the EU27+UK. As Romania is no exception, it has assumed the gradual mitigation of pollution generated by the energy sector, and by 2030, according to ‘Fit for 55’, the share of energy from renewable sources must reach 42.5% from total energy consumption. For the rest of the energy produced from traditional sources, natural gas and/or coal, modern technologies will be used to retain the gaseous noxes. Even if they are not greenhouse gases, NO and SO2, generated from fossil fuel combustion, cause negative effects on the environment and biodiversity. The adsorption capacity of different materials, three nanomaterials developed in-house and three commercial adsorbents, both for NO and SO2, was tackled through gas chromatography, elemental analysis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Fe-BTC has proven to be an excellent material for separation efficiency and adsorption capacity under studied conditions, and is shown to be versatile both in the case of NO (80.00 cm3/g) and SO2 (63.07 cm3/g). All the developed nanomaterials generated superior results in comparison to the commercial adsorbents. The increase in pressure enhanced the performance of the absorption process, while temperature showed an opposite influence, by blocking the active centers on the surface.


Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization

Program 1—Development of the national research and development system, Subprogram 1.2—Institutional performance










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