1. Stomacare Service, IRCCS San Raffaele Institute, 20132 Milan, Italy
2. Enterostomal Rehabilitation Clinic, ASST Spedali Civili Brescia, 25123 Brescia, Italy
3. Department of Medicine DIMED, University of Padua, 35131 Padua, Italy
4. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Bellaria Carlo Alberto Pizzardi, 40139 Bologna, Italy
5. Stomacare Service, Ospedale di Legnano—ASST Ovest Milanese, 20025 Legnano, Italy
6. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Generale Regionale Francesco Miulli, 70021 Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
7. Stomacare Service, Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia, 90146 Palermo, Italy
8. Stomacare Service, Presidio Ospedaliero Universitario “Santa Maria della Misericordia”, 33100 Udine, Italy
9. Stomacare Service, Presidio Ospedaliero di Ivrea—ASL Torino 4, 10015 Ivrea, Italy
10. Stomacare Service, Ospedale di Rivoli, 10098 Rivoli, Italy
11. Stomacare Service, Presidio Ospedaliero Martini, 10141 Torino, Italy
12. Stomacare Service, Ospedale di Feltre, 32032 Feltre, Italy
13. Stomacare Service, Ospedale di San Donà di Piave, 30027 San Donà di Piave, Italy
14. Stomacare Service, Ospedale “Val Vibrata” di Sant’Omero—ASL Teramo, 64027 Teramo, Italy
15. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Senese, 53100 Siena, Italy
16. Stomal Therapy Outpatient Service, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, 20141 Milan, Italy
17. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Antonio Cardarelli, 80131 Napoli, Italy
18. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Luigi Sacco, 20157 Milan, Italy
19. Department of Womens’ and Children’s Health (SDB), University of Padova, 35131 Padua, Italy
20. Stomacare Service, USL Umbria 1, 06127 Perugia, Italy
21. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Santa Chiara, 38123 Trento, Italy
22. Stomacare Service, IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale di Napoli, 80131 Napoli, Italy
23. Stomacare Service, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, 20122 Milan, Italy
24. Stomacare Service, Clinica Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico Umberto I, 00161 Roma, Italy
25. Stomacare Service, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, 20133 Milan, Italy
26. Stomacare Service, Ospedale di Bolzano, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
27. Stomacare Service, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, 24127 Bergamo, Italy
28. Stomacare Service, Policlinico di Bari Ospedale “Giovanni XXIII”, 70124 Bari, Italy
29. Stomacare Service, Asl Lecce, 73100 Lecce, Italy
30. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, 35131 Padua, Italy
31. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, 56126 Pisa, Italy
32. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Luigi Gonzaga, 10043 Orbassano, Italy
33. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Civile Santissima Annunziata, 07100 Sassari, Italy
34. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Pesenti Fenaroli, 24022 Alzano Lombardo, Italy
35. Stomacare Service, Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori, 20900 Monza, Italy
36. Stomacare Service, Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata, 00184 Roma, Italy
37. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Pio XI, 20832 Desio, Italy
38. Stomacare Service, Policlinico Universitario Monserrato “Duilio Casula”, 09042 Monserrato, Italy
39. Stomacare Service, Ospedale S. Anna—ASST Lariana, 22042 Como, Italy
40. Stomacare Service, Ospedale Santa Maria delle Croci, 48121 Ravenna, Italy
41. Stomacare Service, IRCCS Saverio De Bellis, 70013 Castellana Grotte, Italy
42. Health Professions Research and Development Unit, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Italy
43. Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, 20133 Milan, Italy