The Effects of Different Kinds of Smooth Pursuit Exercises on Center of Pressure and Muscle Activities during One Leg Standing


Cui Zhe,Tang Ying-Ying,Kim Myoung-KwonORCID


This study examined the effects of gaze fixation and different kinds of smooth-pursuit eye movements on the trunk and lower extremity muscle activities and center of pressure. Methods: Twenty-four subjects were selected for the study. The activity of trunk and lower limb muscles (tibialis anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, medial gastrocnemius, vastus midialis obliques, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae) and the COP (center of pressure) (surface area ellipse, length, and average speed) were measured to observe the effects of gaze fixation and different kinds of smooth-pursuit eye movements on the center of pressure and muscle activities during one leg standing. Before the experiment, a Gaze point GP3 HD Eye Tracker (Gazept, Vancouver, BC, Canada) was used to train eye movement so that the subjects would be familiar with smooth eye movement. Repeated each exercise 3 times at random. In order to avoid the sequence deviation caused by fatigue, the movement sequence is randomly selected. Result: The center of pressure and muscle activities were increased significantly when the smooth-pursuit eye movement with one leg standing compared with gaze fixation with one leg standing. In smooth-pursuit eye movements, the changes in the center of pressure and muscle activities were increased significantly with eye and head movement. When the head and eyes moved in opposite directions, the center of pressure and muscle activities were increased more than with any other exercises. Conclusion: Smooth-pursuit eye movement with one leg movement affects balance. In particular, in the smooth-pursuit eye movement with one leg standing, there were higher requirements for balance when the eyes and head move in the opposite direction. Therefore, this movement can be recommended to people who need to enhance their balance ability.


National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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