Reticulocyte Antioxidant Enzymes mRNA Levels versus Reticulocyte Maturity Indices in Hereditary Spherocytosis, β-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease


Melo Daniela12,Ferreira Fátima3,Teles Maria José45,Porto Graça567ORCID,Coimbra Susana128ORCID,Rocha Susana12ORCID,Santos-Silva Alice12


1. UCIBIO—Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

2. Associate Laboratory i4HB—Institute for Health and Bioeconomy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

3. Hematology Service, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

4. Clinical Pathology, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

5. Imuno-Hemotherapy Service, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

6. Center for Predictive and Preventive Genetics (CGPP)/Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMC), 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

7. Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), University of Porto, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

8. 1H-TOXRUN—One Health Toxicology Research Unit, University Institute of Health Sciences, CESPU, CRL, 4585-116 Gandra, Portugal


The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and peroxiredoxin 2 (Prx2) are particularly important in erythroid cells. Reticulocytes and other erythroid precursors may adapt their biosynthetic mechanisms to cell defects or to changes in the bone marrow environment. Our aim was to perform a comparative study of the mRNA levels of CAT, GPX1, PRDX2 and SOD1 in reticulocytes from healthy individuals and from patients with hereditary spherocytosis (HS), sickle cell disease (SCD) and β-thalassemia (β-thal), and to study the association between their transcript levels and the reticulocyte maturity indices. In controls, the enzyme mRNA levels were significantly correlated with reticulocyte maturity indices for all genes except for SOD1. HS, SCD and β-thal patients showed younger reticulocytes, with higher transcript levels of all enzymes, although with different patterns. β-thal and HS showed similar reticulocyte maturity, with different enzyme mRNA levels; SCD and HS, with different reticulocyte maturity, presented similar enzyme mRNA levels. Our data suggest that the transcript profile for these antioxidant enzymes is not entirely related to reticulocyte maturity; it appears to also reflect adaptive mechanisms to abnormal erythropoiesis and/or to altered erythropoietic environments, leading to reticulocytes with distinct antioxidant potential according to each anemia.


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