Effects of Ripening Phase and Cultivar under Sustainable Management on Fruit Quality and Antioxidants of Sweet Cherry


Mineață Iulia1ORCID,Murariu Otilia Cristina2ORCID,Sîrbu Sorina1ORCID,Tallarita Alessio Vincenzo3ORCID,Caruso Gianluca3,Jităreanu Carmen Doina4


1. Research Station for Fruit Growing, 3 Ion Vodă cel Viteaz Street, Miroslava, 707305 Iasi, Romania

2. Department of Food Technology, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences, M. Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania

3. Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Università 100, 80055 Naples, Italy

4. Department of Plant Science, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences, M. Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania


Sweet cherry grown under sustainable management produces highly valuable fruits, whose quality shows important biochemical and morphological changes during ripening. Research was carried out in Iasi (Romania), with the aim to assess the quality characteristics of the sweet cherry fruits of three cultivars (Van, Andreiaș, Margonia), grown in an inner or outer position inside the tree crown, at the pre-ripening or full ripeness phase. In 2022, the colour component a* showed higher values in cv. Van and Andreias red fruits and in an inner position, whereas the components L* and b* at the full ripeness phase were highest in cv. Margonia. The dry matter and total soluble solids contents increased from the pre-ripening to the full ripeness phase and were highest in cv. Van sweet cherry fruits; the DM of fruit from the outer part of crown was higher than that of fruit from the inner part at the pre-ripening phase. The content of phenolics was the highest in cv. Margonia fruits at the pre-ripening stage and in cv. Van at the full ripeness phase and higher in the inner tree crown zones. The cultivar Margonia generally showed the highest vitamin C content in both years and development phases. The yellow fruit cv. Margonia mostly showed the highest values of chlorophyll a and b. The fruit’s content of carotene, lycopene, and anthocyanins was generally the highest in the red fruits of cv. Andreias. The examined sweet cherry cultivars showed a high variability in fruit nutritional quality and proved to be a rich source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant potential.










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