Characteristics of Oat and Buckwheat Malt Grains for Use in the Production of Fermented Foods


Salamon Agnieszka1ORCID,Kowalska Hanna2ORCID,Ignaczak Anna2ORCID,Marzec Agata2ORCID,Kowalska Jolanta2ORCID,Szafrańska Anna1


1. Department of Grain Processing and Bakery, Prof. Wacław Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology—State Research Institute, 36 Rakowiecka St., 02-532 Warsaw, Poland

2. Department of Food Engineering and Process Management, Institute of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 159c Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw, Poland


Malted gluten-free cereal grains and pseudo-cereals are interesting raw materials for producing fermented foods. The aim of the work was to assess selected technological quality characteristics and antioxidant properties of special malts in terms of use in the production of fermented foods. The research material consisted of malts made from oat, buckwheat, and brewing barley. Malting was performed on a microtechnical scale according to the standard scheme for brewing barley grain. The basic quality parameters of cereal grains obtained malts, and laboratory wort were assessed according to methods applicable in brewing. Atypical brewing malts were characterized by parameters such as malt extractability, protein solubilization, diastatic force, mash filtration time, and wort viscosity. The best results, comparable to barley malt, were obtained for naked oat malt. Malted buckwheat grains turned out to be the least biochemically modified, although their use in the production of beer and/or other fermented beverages is supported by the high content of bioactive substances and antioxidant potential. As the malting process of cereal plants improves their antioxidant properties and increases their nutritional value, oat and buckwheat malts can be successfully used to produce gluten-free fermented beverages or as an addition to fermented products, e.g., in baking and confectionery.




Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science

Reference79 articles.







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