DeepSOCIAL: Social Distancing Monitoring and Infection Risk Assessment in COVID-19 Pandemic


Rezaei MahdiORCID,Azarmi MohsenORCID


Social distancing is a recommended solution by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to minimise the spread of COVID-19 in public places. The majority of governments and national health authorities have set the 2-m physical distancing as a mandatory safety measure in shopping centres, schools and other covered areas. In this research, we develop a hybrid Computer Vision and YOLOv4-based Deep Neural Network (DNN) model for automated people detection in the crowd in indoor and outdoor environments using common CCTV security cameras. The proposed DNN model in combination with an adapted inverse perspective mapping (IPM) technique and SORT tracking algorithm leads to a robust people detection and social distancing monitoring. The model has been trained against two most comprehensive datasets by the time of the research—the Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS COCO) and Google Open Image datasets. The system has been evaluated against the Oxford Town Centre dataset (including 150,000 instances of people detection) with superior performance compared to three state-of-the-art methods. The evaluation has been conducted in challenging conditions, including occlusion, partial visibility, and under lighting variations with the mean average precision of 99.8% and the real-time speed of 24.1 fps. We also provide an online infection risk assessment scheme by statistical analysis of the spatio-temporal data from people’s moving trajectories and the rate of social distancing violations. We identify high-risk zones with the highest possibility of virus spread and infection. This may help authorities to redesign the layout of a public place or to take precaution actions to mitigate high-risk zones. The developed model is a generic and accurate people detection and tracking solution that can be applied in many other fields such as autonomous vehicles, human action recognition, anomaly detection, sports, crowd analysis, or any other research areas where the human detection is in the centre of attention.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

Reference110 articles.

1. WHO Corona-Viruses Disease Dashboard

2. Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-19,2020

3. Transmission of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Aircraft

4. Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic

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