1. Department of Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Monitoring, Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krakow, Poland
This paper presents research on the mass dispersion and adsorption of organics present in tap water on powdered activated carbon (PAC) in a two-layer filter column. The adsorption rate depends on the difference between the concentration of organics and the equilibrium concentration. In homogeneous flocculators with simultaneous adsorption on PAC, the concentration difference is lower than in a filter column with PAC. Therefore, the utilization of the PAC’s adsorption capacity in filters is higher than in homogeneous flocculators. PAC is introduced into the upper anthracite layer of a filter bed, while the bottom layer is a sand layer, which protects the underdrain system from becoming clogged with PAC particles. The sorbent wis introduced into the bed in the final phase of filter backwashing. The authors present a model of adsorption on PAC in a filter column. Both experiments and calculations confirmed a better utilization of PAC’s adsorption capacity in the filter column compared to its utilization in a homogeneous flocculator. Three criterion equations were developed using dimensionless numbers, Re, Pe and Nu, as well as two similarity moduli related to a sorbent apparent density and an adsorption coefficient. Additionally, a relationship between the Peclet number (Pe) and the Reynolds number (Re) as well as the similarity modulus for the sorbent apparent density were determined for the mass dispersion process. The relationship between the diffusive Nuselt number (Nu) and the Re number as well as the similarity modulus for the sorbent apparent density were determined for the parameter describing an adsorbate permeation rate across a water–sorbent interface. The impact of the Re number and the similarity modulus for the sorbent apparent density on the Henry constant was also investigated. The criterion equations can be used to determine the adsorption model parameters; they may be helpful in designing a filtration system supplemented with PAC. In the capillary velocity range Vx* ∈ ⟨0.15·10−2; 0.72·10−2⟩ m/s and with a change in the apparent density of the sorbent ρp,sorb from 3000 to 12,000 g PAC/m3 of the bed, as a result of the experimental tests carried out, it was established that the actual coefficient of longitudinal dispersion Dx* varied in the range of 0.16·10−4 to 2.03·10−4 m2/s, the product of the constant mass transfer rate and the specific outer surface of sorbent k⋅am varied in the range of 2.23·10−7 to 1.70·10−6 (m/s)·(m2/g PAC), while the Henry constant Γ* varied in the range of 7.24 to 44.20 1/m3 of sorbent and the Henry constant Γ varied in the range of 0.0012 to 0.0019 m3 of water/g PAC.