Social, Economic and Human Capital: Risk or Protective Factors in Sexual Violence?


Ilabaca Baeza Paola,Gaete Fiscella José Manuel,Hatibovic Díaz Fuad,Roman Alonso Helena


In Chile, studies on protective factors and risk factors for sexual violence are limited and very few have incorporated analysis of different types of capital (social, economic, human) as social resources in the protection against sexual violence. The objective of this research is to evaluate to what extent the stock of different capitals act together, as either protective or risk factors in sexual violence in different interpersonal environments. The sample consisted of 1665 women between 15 and 30 years of age (M = 23.47, SD = 4.41). Artificial neural network analysis and social network analysis were used. The nodes representative of human and economic capital have a protective role of low relevance due to their position in the network, while the nodes of social capital acquire a structural relevance due to the central positions of the network. It is concluded that the structural social capital of neighborhood networks constitutes the main protective factor for sexual violence in all areas, and in turn, the structural social capital of networks with non-significant others was the main risk factor in sexual victimization.


Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo

University of Valparaíso

Viña del Mar University




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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