Estimating Macroinvertebrate Biomass for Stream Ecosystem Assessments


Cummins Kenneth W.,Wilzbach MargaretORCID,Kolouch Brigitte,Merritt Richard


We propose a field procedure for estimating the dry biomass of stream macroinvertebrates. Estimates are calculated using the mean values of the a and b regression coefficients from unpublished data and an extensive review of the relevant literature. The regression equation employed for calculating dry biomass is one that has been extensively used: Y = aXb, where Y = mg dry mass of an individual macroinvertebrate; X = mm total body length of an individual macroinvertebrate; a = intercept coefficient of the Y on X regression; and b = slope coefficient Y on X. The procedure was developed for use in the field, but dry mass estimates can also be made on preserved specimens. The case is made for presenting stream macroinvertebrate dry biomass data categorized by functional feeding groups (FFGs) and their component higher level taxa. The tables summarize the FFGs and their food resources, mean regression coefficients, dry biomass estimates for FFG-taxa by size and a comparison of their numerical-to-gravimetric surrogate FFG ratios to predict the stream environmental condition. A sizing template for rapidly sorting macroinvertebrates in the field is described. Thresholds for surrogate FFG ratios that directly predict measured stream ecosystem conditions are described.




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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