Effect of Steam Pressure Toasting Duration on Snowbird Faba Bean Seeds and the Impact on the Intestinal and Metabolic Characteristics in Dairy Cows


Rodríguez Espinosa María E.1,Guevara-Oquendo Víctor H.1,He Jiangfeng12,Zhang Weixiang13,Yu Peiqiang1


1. Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8, Canada

2. Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Husbandry Science, Hohhot 010031, China

3. College of Animal Science and Technology, Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy, Zhengzhou 450046, China


The response of feedstuffs to thermal processing depends on the type of feed and the thermal processing methods being applied. Steam pressure toasting (SPT) has been used to modify the nutrient degradability and enhance the nutritional quality of pulses, including faba bean seeds (FBS). Strategic feeding approaches are essential for balancing diets and maintaining adequate nutrition, especially in high-performing ruminants. This research aimed to determine the effects of SPT duration in FBS on the intestinal and metabolic characteristics of dairy cows. Faba Bean seeds (three harvesting years) were processed at 121 °C for 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. Rumen degradation and intestinal digestion were determined using the in situ and modified in vitro three-step techniques. The true protein supplied to the small intestine was also determined using the NRC and DVE systems. Our results showed a reduced total digested DM (TDDM) with longer SPT duration (quadratic, p = 0.02). The intestinally digested crude protein (IADP) increased from 62 to 220 g/kg DM with 0 to 120 min of SPT, respectively (p < 0.01), whereas the total tract digestible starch (TDSt) gradually decreased from 321 to 182 g/kg DM based on SPT time (p < 0.01). On the other hand, the truly digested protein in the small intestine (DVE) and the total metabolizable protein (MP) increased from 138 to 282 g/kg DM and 129 to 282 g/kg DM, respectively, with 0 to 120 min of SPT (quadratic, p < 0.01). The Feed Milk Value (FMV), based on both the DVE/OEB and NRC dairy nutrition systems, also increased with SPT (Quadratic, p < 0.01). The processing of FBS with SPT at 121 °C effectively reduced the highly degradable protein fraction in the rumen, shifting to a higher rumen undegraded protein (RUP) which was able to reach the small intestine. In the current study, the total MP, DVE, and FMV in dairy cows showed an overall increase with SPT in FBS.


Ministry of Agri-culture’s Strategic Feed Research Chair Programs

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers

Prairie Oat Grower Association


Saskatchewan Agricultural Development Fund










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