Gallbladder Cancer Risk and Indigenous South American Mapuche Ancestry: Instrumental Variable Analysis Using Ancestry-Informative Markers


Zollner Linda12,Boekstegers Felix1ORCID,Barahona Ponce Carol1ORCID,Scherer Dominique1ORCID,Marcelain Katherine3ORCID,Gárate-Calderón Valentina13,Waldenberger Melanie4ORCID,Morales Erik56ORCID,Rojas Armando6ORCID,Munoz César56,Retamales Javier7ORCID,De Toro Gonzalo89ORCID,Kortmann Allan Vera8,Barajas Olga310,Rivera María Teresa11,Cortés Analía11,Loader Denisse12,Saavedra Javiera12,Gutiérrez Lorena13,Ortega Alejandro14,Bertrán Maria Enriqueta15,Bartolotti Leonardo16,Gabler Fernando17,Campos Mónica17,Alvarado Juan18,Moisán Fabricio18,Spencer Loreto18ORCID,Nervi Bruno19ORCID,Carvajal Daniel20ORCID,Losada Héctor21ORCID,Almau Mauricio22,Fernández Plinio22,Olloquequi Jordi2324ORCID,Carter Alice R.25,Miquel Poblete Juan Francisco26,Bustos Bernabe Ignacio27ORCID,Fuentes Guajardo Macarena28,Gonzalez-Jose Rolando29ORCID,Bortolini Maria Cátira30ORCID,Acuña-Alonzo Victor31,Gallo Carla32,Ruiz Linares Andres333435,Rothhammer Francisco36,Lorenzo Bermejo Justo137ORCID


1. Statistical Genetics Research Group, Institute of Medical Biometry, Heidelberg University, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

2. Division of Proteomics of Stem Cells and Cancer, German Cancer Research Center, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

3. Department of Basic and Clinical Oncology, Medical Faculty, University of Chile, Santiago 8380000, Chile

4. Research Unit Molecular Epidemiology, Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany

5. Hospital Regional de Talca, Talca 3460000, Chile

6. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca 3460000, Chile

7. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, Santiago 7500650, Chile

8. Hospital de Puerto Montt, Puerto Montt 5480000, Chile

9. Escuela de Tecnología Médica, Universidad Austral de Chile sede Puerto Montt, Puerto Montt 5480000, Chile

10. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, Santiago 8380456, Chile

11. Hospital del Salvador, Santiago 7500922, Chile

12. Hospital Padre Hurtado, Santiago 8880456, Chile

13. Hospital San Juan de Dios, Santiago 8320000, Chile

14. Hospital Regional, Arica 1000000, Chile

15. Unidad Registro Hospitalario de Cáncer, Hospital Base de Valdivia, Valdivia 5090146, Chile

16. Hospital Base de Valdivia, Valdivia 5090000, Chile

17. Hospital San Borja Arriarán, Santiago 8320000, Chile

18. Hospital Regional Guillermo Grant Benavente, Concepción 4070386, Chile

19. Departamento de Hematología y Oncología, Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago 8330077, Chile

20. Facultad de Medicina, Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago 7650568, Chile

21. Departamento de Cirugía, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco 4780000, Chile

22. Hospital de Rancagua, Rancagua 2820000, Chile

23. Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

24. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca 3460000, Chile

25. MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UD, UK

26. Departamento de Gastroenterología, Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago 8320000, Chile

27. Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology and Simpson Querrey Center for Neurogenetics, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60611, USA

28. Departamento de Tecnología Médica, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Tarapacá University, Arica 1000815, Chile

29. Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Centro Nacional Patagónico, CONICET, Puerto Madryn U9120ACD, Argentina

30. Instituto de Biociências, Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Puerto Alegre 15053, Brazil

31. National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico City 06600, Mexico

32. Laboratorios de Investigación y Desarrollo, Facultad de Ciencias y Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima 15102, Peru

33. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, Collaborative Innovation Center of Genetics and Development, School of Life Sciences and Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai 200434, China

34. ADES (Anthropologie Bio-Culturelle, Droit, Éthique et Santé), UFR de Médecine, Aix-Marseille University, 13007 Marseille, France

35. Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment and UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK

36. Instituto de Alta Investigación, Tarapacá University, Arica 1000000, Chile

37. Department of Biostatistics for Precision Oncology, Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, 67200 Strasbourg, France


A strong association between the proportion of indigenous South American Mapuche ancestry and the risk of gallbladder cancer (GBC) has been reported in observational studies. Chileans show the highest incidence of GBC worldwide, and the Mapuche are the largest indigenous people in Chile. We set out to assess the confounding-free effect of the individual proportion of Mapuche ancestry on GBC risk and to investigate the mediating effects of gallstone disease and body mass index (BMI) on this association. Genetic markers of Mapuche ancestry were selected based on the informativeness for assignment measure, and then used as instrumental variables in two-sample Mendelian randomization analyses and complementary sensitivity analyses. Results suggested a putatively causal effect of Mapuche ancestry on GBC risk (inverse variance-weighted (IVW) risk increase of 0.8% per 1% increase in Mapuche ancestry proportion, 95% CI 0.4% to 1.2%, p = 6.7 × 10−5) and also on gallstone disease (3.6% IVW risk increase, 95% CI 3.1% to 4.0%), pointing to a mediating effect of gallstones on the association between Mapuche ancestry and GBC. In contrast, the proportion of Mapuche ancestry showed a negative effect on BMI (IVW estimate −0.006 kg/m2, 95% CI −0.009 to −0.003). The results presented here may have significant implications for GBC prevention and are important for future admixture mapping studies. Given that the association between the individual proportion of Mapuche ancestry and GBC risk previously noted in observational studies appears to be free of confounding, primary and secondary prevention strategies that consider genetic ancestry could be particularly efficient.


European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Biobank of the University of Chile

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

University of Miami

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Northwestern University

San Diego State University




Cancer Research,Oncology

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