Lower-Limb Lymphedema after Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Cervical Cancer Patients


Cibula DavidORCID,Borčinová Martina,Marnitz Simone,Jarkovský Jiří,Klát Jaroslav,Pilka Radovan,Torné AureliORCID,Zapardiel IgnacioORCID,Petiz Almerinda,Lay Laura,Sehnal Borek,Ponce JordiORCID,Felsinger MichalORCID,Arencibia-Sánchez Octavio,Kaščák Peter,Zalewski Kamil,Presl JiriORCID,Palop-Moscardó AliciaORCID,Tingulstad Solveig,Vergote Ignace,Redecha Mikuláš,Frühauf Filip,Köhler Christhardt,Kocián Roman


Background: To prospectively assess LLL incidence among cervical cancer patients treated by uterine surgery complemented by SLN biopsy, without PLND. Methods: A prospective study in 150 patients with stage IA1–IB2 cervical cancer treated by uterine surgery with bilateral SLN biopsy. Objective LLL assessments, based on limb volume increase (LVI) between pre- and postoperative measurements, and subjective patient-perceived swelling were conducted in six-month periods over 24-months post-surgery. Results: The cumulative incidence of LLL at 24 months was 17.3% for mild LLL (LVI 10–19%), 9.2% for moderate LLL (LVI 20–39%), while only one patient (0.7%) developed severe LLL (LVI > 40%). The median interval to LLL onset was nine months. Transient edema resolving without intervention within six months was reported in an additional 22% of patients. Subjective LLL was reported by 10.7% of patients, though only a weak and partial correlation between subjective-report and objective-LVI was found. No risk factor directly related to LLL development was identified. Conclusions: The replacement of standard PLND by bilateral SLN biopsy in the surgical treatment of cervical cancer does not eliminate the risk of mild to moderate LLL, which develops irrespective of the number of SLN removed.


Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Czech Health research Council




Cancer Research,Oncology

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