1. The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger;Wilkinson,2011
2. It’s about Equal Health. Starting Points for the Commission’s Further Work: Commission Interim Report on Equal Health (In Swedish with the Title: Det Handlar om Jämlik Hälsa. Utgångspunkter för Kommissionens Vidare Arbete: Delbetänkande Från Kommissionen för Jämlik Hälsa),2016
3. What Affects the Results in Swedish Primary and Lower Secondary School? Knowledge Overview of the Importance of Various Factors (In Swedish with the Title: Vad Påverkar Resultaten i Svensk Grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om Betydelsen av Olika Faktorer),2009
4. PISA 2015 15-Year-Olds’ Knowledge of Science, Reading Comprehension and Mathematics. (In Swedish with the Title: PISA 2015 15-Åringars Kunskaper i Naturvetenskap, Läsförståelse och Matematik),2016
5. The unequal crime drop: Changes over time in the distribution of crime among individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds