Implications and Consequences of SL(2R) as Invariance Group in the Description of Complex Systems Dynamics from a Multifractal Perspective of Motion


Dobreci Lucian,Rusu Oana,Vasincu Decebal,Jarcău MihaelaORCID,Rusu Cristina Marcela,Gurlui SilviuORCID,Ghizdovat Vlad,Gavrilut Alina,Agop Maricel


Possible implications and consequences of using SL(2R) as invariance groups in the description at any scale resolution of the dynamics of any complex system are analyzed. From this perspective and based on Jaynes’ remark (any circumstance left unspecified in the description of any complex system dynamics has the concrete expression in the existence of an invariance group), in the present paper one specifies such unspecified circumstances that result directly from the consideration of the canonical formalism induced by the SL(2R) as invariance group. It follows that both the Hamiltonian function and the Guassian distribution acquire the status of invariant group functions, the parameters that define the Hamiltonian acquire statistical significances based on a principle of maximizing informational energy, the class of statistical hypotheses specific to Gaussians of the same average acts as transitivity manifolds of the group (transitivity manifolds which can be correlated with the multifractal-non-multifractal scale transitions), joint invariant functions induced through SL(2R) groups isomorphism (the SL(2R) variables group, and the SL(2R) parameters group, etc.). For an ensemble of oscillators of the same frequency, the unspecified circumstances return to the ignorance of the amplitude and phase of each of the oscillators, which forces the recourse to a statistical ensemble traversed by the transformations of the Barbilian-type group. Finally, the model is validated based on numerical simulations and experimental results that refer to transient phenomena in ablation plasmas. The novelty of our model resides in the fact that fractalization through stochasticization is imposed through group invariance, situation in which the group’s transitivity manifolds can be correlated with the scale resolution.




General Physics and Astronomy

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