Assessing the Impact of Pomegranate Peel Extract Active Packaging and High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Color and Oxidative Stability in Sliced Nitrate/Nitrite-Reduced Iberian Dry-Cured Loins


Cava Ramón1ORCID,Ladero Luis2,Riaguas Enrique3,Vidal-Aragón M. Carmen3


1. Universidad de Extremadura, Tradinnoval Research Group, INBIO G+C, Campus Universitario, 10003 Cáceres, Spain

2. R&D Department, INCARLOPSA, 37770 Guijuelo, Spain

3. Universidad de Extremadura, Complejo Universitario Santa Ana, 06200 Almendralejo, Spain


Our study aimed to assess the impact of active packaging with pomegranate peel extract (0.06 mg gallic acid eq./cm2) and/or high-pressure treatment (600 MPa, 7 min) on the instrumental color, lipid, and protein oxidation of Iberian dry loins formulated with reduced nitrate/nitrite levels (0, 37.5, and 150 mg/kg) during 100-day refrigerated storage (4 °C). CIE L*a*b* coordinates were measured, and malondialdehyde, carbonyls, and free thiol contents served as markers for lipid and protein oxidation. Active packaging lowered CIE L* (35.4 vs. 34.1) and a* (15.5 vs. 14.5) and increased yellowness (15.6 vs. 16.3) and hue (45.2 vs. 48.4), while pressurization increased CIE L* (33.1 vs. 36.3) and diminished a* values (16.1 vs. 13.9). Ongoing nitrate/nitrite amounts significantly influenced lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyl formation, and free thiol loss. Active packaging and high-pressure processing had varying effects on carbonyl and thiol contents. Neither pressurization nor active packaging impacted malondialdehyde formation. Pressurization enhanced the formation of 4-HNE (503 vs. 697 pg/g). Protein oxidation proved more sensitive to changes, with active packaging offering protection against protein carbonylation (15.4 vs. 14.7 nmol carbonyls/mg protein), while pressurization induced thiol loss (34.3 vs. 28.0 nmol Cys eq./mg protein). This comprehensive understanding provides essential insights for the meat industry, emphasizing the necessity for customized processing conditions to enhance color stability, lipid preservation, and protein integrity in dry-cured loin slices.



“Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional”



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