1. The Pleasures and Perils of Big Data in Digitized Newspapers
2. For more on the Media History Digital Library, seeDavid Pierce,“Media History Digital Library,”Journal of Film Preservation, no.88(April2013):35–38.
3. Matthew L. Jockers,Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History(Urbana:University of Illinois Press,2013),9.
4. N. W. Ayer & Son,N. W. Ayer & Son's Newspaper Annual Directory(Philadelphia),1900–1930,1935,1940,1945,1955,1960. The editions we used are located at the Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison. Several editions of the Ayer Annuals are also available online at Hathi Trust, accessed November 12, 2013,http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006110092.