1. Alvort 1956. Margaret Alvort to L. F. Hamilton, June 21, 1956. AC220, box 2, folder 2; MIT Archives.
2. Arnold 1961. Robert D. Arnold to Fuller E. Callaway, Junior; June 27, 1961; box 9, folder "coed", 85-11-01, Georgia Tech Archives.
3. Atlanta Journal. 1952. "Regents Vote Tech as Coed," Atlanta Journal, April 9, 1952: 1.
4. Baker 1947. Memo from Everett Baker; January 26, 1947; AC 4, box 26, folder 12; MIT Archives.
5. Betsy and Robbie. n. d. ca. 1983. Box #119, fi le "Betsy and Robbie." SWE collection, Wayne State University Archives.