
Bagautdinov Irek1,Gusev Aleksandr1,Kaluzhina Olesya1


1. Bashkir State Agrarian University


The purpose of research is to study the effect of different amounts of rosehip powder on the quality of sugar cookies and cakes made from premium wheat flour. Tasks: preparing powder from the pulp of rose hips; setting up a laboratory experiment with different dosages of rosehip powder (RP); a comparative study of its effect on quality and nutritional value using the example of sugar cookies and muffins. RP was added to products in amounts of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 % instead of wheat flour in dry matter. The control for the studied variants were products without RP. The object of study is a fine powder of light orange color, with a fruity aroma, sweet and sour, slightly astringent taste. The humidity of the RP was (9.3 ± 0.23) %; titratable acidity – (14.1 ± 0.17) mmol H+/100 g; vitamin C content – 3.66 %; content of polyuronides (pectin substances) – 13.8 %. A tasting assessment of sugar cookies showed the optimal option with the addition of 6 and 9 % RP; For the cake, the optimal option was to add 12 % powder. A further increase in the amount of added RP showed a deterioration in the organoleptic properties due to the appearance, taste and aroma of the products. The moisture content of the products did not depend on the amount of RP and was in the range of 8.8–9.2 % for cookies and 12.5–13.0 % for cake. In the control sample and variants with a dosage of 3 and 6 %, the porosity of the cookies was assessed as good; for options with dosages of 9 and 12 % – average; 15 % is bad. The wetness of cookies decreased with an increase in the amount of added PS. In sugar cookies with 6 % RP, the vitamin C content increases by 121 mg/100 g compared to the control; in the Stolichny cake, when adding 12 % PS, it increases by 241 mg/100 g.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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