1. South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute, branch of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa FRC of the RAS
The purpose of research is to study, under cultural conditions, the characteristics of biology (phenology, morphological parameters, reproduction), the biochemical composition of leaves and the yield of green mass. The paper presents the results of a study of the biological characteristics, the biochemical composition of leaves and the yield of green mass of Allium suworowii. The phenorhythmotype is a short-vegetating spring-early summer flowering ephemeroid (87–107 days). In spring it grows in the 1st–2nd decade of April. In terms of flowering duration, it is medium-long flowering (14–19 days). In 2022, Allium suworowii stands out with the highest indicators for all elements of seed productivity and morphometric parameters. In 2022, the average number of flowers per umbrella was 229.2 ± 35.80 pieces, fruits – 135.2 ± 15.25 pieces, real seed production – 282.7 ± 17.36, fruit seeding – 35.6 %; in 2023, the number of flowers was 158.3 ± 21.65 pieces, in comparative terms 1.4 times less (by 71 pieces), fruits – 108.3 ± 17.09 pieces, 1.2 times less times (by 27 pcs.), real seed productivity – 190.0 ± 24.3, less by 1.5 times (93 pcs.), fruit seeding – 29.8 %, less by 1.2 times (5.8 %). In 2022, the height of the peduncle reached 122.4 cm, the length of the leaf blade was 47.8 cm, the diameter of the umbrella was 8.7 cm. In 2023, the height of the peduncle was 106.5 cm (15.5 cm shorter), leaf length – 44.6 cm (3.2 cm shorter), umbrella diameter – 11.2 cm (2.5 cm longer). The yield of green mass of Allium suworowii differs by growing season and by year. In 2023, the average yield (2.550 kg/m2) is 0.657 kg/m2 higher than in 2022 (1.893 kg/m2). In the composition of Allium suworowii leaves during the spring regrowth period, 174.0 mg% ascorbic acid, 1.30 mg/100 g of carotene, 4.68 % sugar, 1.44 % protein, 0.38 % crude fat, 0.31 % were found nitrogen; from minerals: 0.07 % calcium, 0.07 % sulfur, 0.05 % phosphorus, 0.24 % potassium, 0.002 mg/kg cobalt, 0.53 mg/kg copper, 4.28 mg/kg manganese, 4.74 mg/kg zinc. Many years of research experience allows us to recommend Allium suworowii for wider use in the Bashkir Cis-Urals as a garden crop, as well as in phytodesign.
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
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