
Belousova Elena1,Belousov Aleksandr2


1. Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University

2. Krasnoyarskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


The purpose of research is to study the dynamics of the activity of enzymes in the carbon cycle of agrochernozems and its effect on the transformation of easily mineralizable organic compounds when using waste and surface treatment methods. Field observations were carried out on the basis of the production experience of OOO OPH Dary Malinovki in the Sukhobuzimo District in the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe (56°10′ N and 91°47′ E). The impact of dump and minimal processing technologies on the seaso¬nal dynamics of the activity of carbon cycle enzymes in the layers of agrochernozem is considered. The field experiment scheme is represented by the following options: moldboard plowing (standard), minimal tillage (surface disking), flat-cut tillage (cultivation). The level of polyphenol oxidase activity in the soil of the experimental variants was estimated to be weak. The intraseasonal dynamics of the studied enzymes was significant and correlated with the transformation of the humus accumulation coefficient. On non-dumping backgrounds, the variability of polyphenol oxidase was less variable. The minimum va¬lues of the humus accumulation coefficient were found at the initial stage of introducing the technologies under study during the fallow period of agrochernozems, as well as during the barley growing season. The maximum is in the soil under spring wheat crops. The use of flat-cut cultivators led to a strong relationship between the activity of polyphenol oxidase and the coefficient of humus accumulation. In the soil of all variants, an inverse relationship was observed between peroxidase activity and the coefficient of humus accumulation. The participation of peroxidase in the biochemical processes of mineralization was carried out mainly under the conditions of dump processing of agrochernozems. The activity of oxidoreductase enzymes indicated favorable conditions for the humification of organic compounds and the accumulation of newly formed humic substances in the soil when spring wheat was placed in fallow under conditions of using no-moldboard technologies.


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

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