
Oliveira Thays Valleska RodriguesORCID,Lopes Vitória Rafaella PereiraORCID,Andrade Cláudia Maria de OliveiraORCID


Currently, there is an increasing demand for procedures focused on aesthetic rehabilitation and minimally invasive interventions in dental clinical settings. These interventions coexist with restorative procedures, which already hold a notable presence in daily clinical routines. Contrary to the widely held assumption, the success of a restoration is not solely determined by the selection of high-quality resin, but is also contingent upon other criteria of significant relevance. These encompass pre-existing clinical conditions, the operator's skill, the patient's profile, and the materials employed. In this vein, this study aims to present the key factors influencing the longevity of composite resin restorations, as well as to provide guidance to the dentist regarding the importance of correctly adhering to the clinical sequence during the restorative protocol, and ultimately, to elucidate the influence of external factors: the patient's acidic diet, gastric reflux, poor oral hygiene, alcohol consumption, and smoking. To this end, qualitative research was conducted through narrative literature review. Furthermore, regular polishing of the restoration during maintenance visits is essential to preserve its properties and enhance its durability.


Psicologia e Saude em Debate

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