1. Beaven A.B. Aldermen of the City of London. L., 1908. Vol. 1.
2. Beaven A.B. Aldermen of the City of London. L., 1912. Vol. 2.
3. Calendar of Letter–Books preserved among the archives of the corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall / Ed. by R.R. Sharpe. Letter–Book K. A.D. 1422–1461. L., 1911.
4. Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls (1437–1457) of the city of London / Ed. by P. E. Jones. Cambridge, 1954.
5. Calendar of Wills Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting, London: in 2 pts. / Ed. by R.R. Sharpe. London, 1890. Pt. 2: 1358–1688.