1. Derkey, R. E., and P. D. Derkey. 1988. Mine and mineral occurrence database for Madison County, Montana. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.
2. Emmons, W. H., and F. C. Calkins. 1913. Geology and ore deposits of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, Montana. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 78.
3. Freeman, V. L., E. T. Ruppel, and M. R. Klepper. 1958 Geology of part of the Townsend valley, Broadwater and Jefferson counties, Montana. U.S. Geological Survey bulletin 1042-N.
4. Fritzsche, H. 1935 Geology and ore deposits of the Silver Star mining district, Madison County, Montana. Thesis, Montana School of Mines.
5. Geach, R. D. 1972 Mines and mineral deposits (exceptfuels), Beaver-head County, Montana. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology bulletin 85.