1. Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Technology and Safety, UiT The Arctic Univ. of Norway, P.O. Box 6050 Langnes, Tromsø 9037, Norway (corresponding author). ORCID: .
2. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, and Information Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Queensland, Bldg. 49 Advanced Engineering Bldg., Staff House Rd., St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.
3. Project Officer and Directorate E–Space, Security and Migration, Technology Innovation in Security Unit, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, via E. Fermi 2749, Ispra (VA) 21027, Italy.
4. Professor, Dept. of Technology and Safety, UiT The Arctic Univ. of Norway, P.O. Box 6050 Langnes, Tromsø 9037, Norway.