1. Conaway J.S. 2004 Summary and comparison of multiphase streambed scour analysis at selected bridge sites in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5066 34 p.
2. Conaway J.S. 2006 Comparison of Long-Term Streambed Scour Data with Modeled Values at the Knik River Alaska: in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Scour and Erosion Amsterdam The Netherlands p. 146-153.
3. Heinrichs T.A. Kennedy B.W. Langley D.E. and Burrows R.L. 2001 Methodology and estimates of scour at selected bridge sites in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4151 44 p.
4. Mueller D.S. 1996 Local scour at bridge piers in nonuniform sediment under dynamic conditions: Fort Collins Colo. Colorado State University Ph.D. dissertation 212 p.
5. Mueller D.S. and Wagner C.R. 2005 Field observations and evaluations of streambed scour at bridges: Federal Highway Administration Report FHWARD-03-052 134 p.