1. ASTM D698. (2007). "Standard test method for laboratory compaction characteristics of soils using standard effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kNm/m3))." Annual Book of ASTM standards ASTM International West Conshohocken.
2. ASTM D2166. (2006). "Standard test method for unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil." Annual Book of ASTM standards ASTM International West Conshohocken.
3. ASTM D2216. (2005). "Standard test methods for laboratory determination of water (moisture) content of soil and rock by mass." Annual Book of ASTM standards ASTM International West Conshohocken.
4. ASTM D4318. (2005). "Standard test method for liquid limit plastic limit and plasticity index of soils." Annual Book of ASTM standards ASTM International West Conshohocken.
5. Stabilization of residual soil with rice husk ash and cement